The attendance of a trainee comes into account from the first day of the class started.
Wear a proper uniform is compulsory for a trainee of one year & two years course. It is only considerable for a trainee of short term courses.
Percentage of attendance will be taken into account from the 1st day of class started and training hours is fixed at 7 ½ hours per day except the holidays of State Government, otherwise there should have the order of class cancel from the authority.
The minimum compulsory attendance for trainees in regard to their eligibility for the final trade test has been fixed at 80 per cent of the actual number of working days.
Where a trainee absent himself for more than half the number of days, for whatever reasons, he will not be allowed to continue his training.
The hours lost on the shop floor by a trainee due to absence over and above the prescribed minimum of 80 per cent attendance should be made up by the trainees by working in the shift to the extent necessary to make up the loss in training without providing any additional equipment and staff, under supervision of respective instructor. This concession is not those who remain absent frequently for trivial reasons.
In addition to usual holidays in the year, casual leave at the rate of 12 days per year for the course with duration of training as one year as well as two years will be admissible to trainees subject to a maximum of 10 days at any one time. Any holidays intervening during the period of casual leave shall not be counted for the purpose of the limit of 12 days. Casual leave cannot be combined with any other leave.
A trainee who is unable to attend duty owing to illness other than injuries received while at work may be allowed medical leave up to 15 days. Leave for a further period, not exceeding three weeks for one year trade courses and six weeks for two years trade courses in continuation or in addition to 15 days absence may be granted to a trainee on producing the medical certificate from a medical officer or a registered medical practitioner. A trainee who holds a stipend will be allowed to draw stipend at the full rate during such leave.
Special leave on private affairs may be allowed to trainee up to 10 days. In extraordinary cases, where the head of the institute is satisfied that the requirement is genuine, the period of special leave may, at his discretion, be raised to a maximum of 15 days for trainees of one year trade courses and 30 days for trainees of two years trade courses.
If a trainee overstays the maximum period of special leave, he will be struck off from the roll from the day following the date of expiry of the period and treated as an absconder.
For unauthorized absence of less than 10 consecutive days at a time, a written warning will be issued to the trainee for the first occasion. If the offence is repeated, his case will be reported to the State Director with a view to discharge.
A trainee, who absents himself from training institute for 10 consecutive days without permission and without informing the Principal of the institute of the reasons for his absence, will be treated as an absconder and struck off the roll with effect from the first day of his absence. If a trainee returns to the institute within two weeks after having been struck off as an absconder, he may be readmitted by the Sr. Principal with the approval of the State Director, if the trainee gives a satisfactory explanation of his absence.
The State Director may discharge at their discretion such trainees as are recommended for discharge by the Sr. Principal on account of unsatisfactory progress in training, misconduct etc. For act of indiscipline and misconduct, a written warning will be issued to him for the first offence. If the offence is repeated, his case will be reported to the State Director with a view to discharge.
A merit stipend will be awarded to 50% trainees only on merit basis within a period about three months of the start of session which depends on the grant of budget time to time from the Govt.
S/C, S/T ST(H) trainees are entitled to get scholarship directly on production of supporting certificate for S/C, S/T & ST(H) according to the prevailing rules of Government by Director of Welfare Scheduled Caste, Director of Scheduled Tribe Plains & Director of Employment and Craftsmen Training, Assam respectively.
Two types of stipend / scholarship will not be awarded to the trainees simultaneously. For eligibility of any of the stipend / scholarship a trainee should have 100% attendance in class otherwise considered by leave granted.
A progress card will be maintained in respect of every trainee from the date of admission to the Institute. The monthly test will be conducted in all the subjects and the performance recorded as usual on monthly and quarterly basis for awarding sessional marks.
(A) All Trade Test pattern are now under Semester System.
(B) "Trade Theory", "Trade Practical" and "Employability Skill" is the compulsory subject for all one year & two year trades. "Workshop Calculation & Science" and "Engineering Drawing" are also compulsory subject for all engineering trades. The normal pass mark for practical is 60% & all other subject is 40%.
(C) As per letter DGE&T 19/04/2011-CD (pt.) Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi, dated 16th July, 2014 trainees will be given 5 attempts i.e. 1st attempt will be a regular attempt and 4 additional chances to failed trainees to pass any semester examination of All India Trade Test with in a period of 5 years from the year of appearing for the regular attempt of that semester. Only the failed trainees will also be promoted to next semesters and would be allowed to write examination of subsequent semesters also.
Trainees who were otherwise eligible i.e. attendance was 80%, exam fee was paid and Admit was issued for appearing any Semester exam, however could not appear
for AITT in that semester for some uncontrollable reason, shall also be promoted to
subsequent semester with approval of State Director of respective State. Such trainees shall appear for that semester exam during next Semester AITT and will be given only
three additional attempts instead of four, to pass the semester exam.
(D) Recommended punishments are applicable for using unfair means in the trade test conducted under the aegis of NCVT. The trainee may be disqualified from passing the examination in that year by the Chairman of the Examination, and for any other punishment a committee consisting of the Head of the institute and two senior staff members, preferably of Grade A or B, should conduct an enquiry and recommended the amount of punishment including debarring from appearing in subsequent examinations up to a period of three years. However, the trainee may be given an opportunity for explaining his / her conduct before the final decision of awarding the punishment is taken by the concerned authorities. The State Director or Director of Institute under DGE&T will have full authority to give a final decision in the matter.
(E) The total marks and the minimum marks required for pass for the different subjects in the trade test be as follows:-
Engineering Trades under Semester System (NCVT / SCVT) |
Sl No. |
Subject for the trade test |
Maximum Marks for each subject |
Minimum % for pass |
Minimum Marks required for pass |
1 |
Practical (Including sessional marks) |
300 (Practical test 270, Sessional work 30) |
60% |
180 |
2 |
Trade Theory (Including sessional marks) |
170 (Written test 150, Sessional work 20) |
40% |
68 |
3 |
Employability Skills |
50 (Written test 50) |
40% |
20 |
4 |
Workshop Calculation & Science (Including sessional marks) |
85 (Written test 75, Sessional work 10) |
40% |
34 |
5 |
Engineering Drawing (Including sessional marks) |
95 (Drawing Test 75, Sessional work 20) |
40% |
38 |
Total > |
700 |
340 |
Non Engineering Trades under Semester System (NCVT / SCVT) |
1 |
Practical (Including sessional marks) |
120 (Practical test 100, Sessional work 20) |
60% |
72 |
2 |
Trade Theory |
30 (Written test 30, Sessional work-Nil) |
40% |
12 |
3 |
Employability Skills |
50 (Written test 50) |
40% |
20 |
Total > |
200 |
104 |
(F) The total marks and the minimum marks required for pass for the different subjects in the trade test be as follows:-
Engineering Trade, Information Technology under CoE (NCVT) (Not under Semester System) |
Sl No. |
Subject for the trade test |
Maximum Marks for each subject |
Minimum % for pass |
Minimum Marks required for pass |
1 |
Practical-I & II (Including sessional marks) |
500 (Practical I=200, Practical II=200, Sessional work 100) |
60% |
300 |
2 |
Trade Theory (Including sessional marks) |
220 (Theory I=100, Theory II=100, Sessional work 20) |
40% each paper |
88 |
3 |
Employability Skills |
60 (Written test 50, Sessional 10) |
33% |
19.80 |
4 |
Workshop Calculation & Science (Including sessional marks) |
60 (Written test 50, Sessional work 10) |
40% |
24 |
5 |
Engineering Drawing (Including sessional marks) |
60 (Drawing Test 50, Sessional work 10) |
40% |
24 |
Total > |
900 |
455.80 |
Receive of release certificate is compulsory, just after the final trade test for all trainees.
After receive of release certificate caution money will be refunded if there is no any recovery.
National Trade Certificate will be awarded to a pass out trainee in All India Trade Test by N.C.V.T. In case of S.C.V.T. affiliated trades, S.C.V.T. Certificate will be awarded to the trainees by S.C.V.T.
For any communication address only to The Sr. Principal, I.T.I. Nagaon, Through the Trade Instructor of respsctive Trade.
