ঔদ্যোগিক প্ৰশিক্ষণ প্ৰতিষ্ঠান, নগাঁওলৈ স্বাগতম। -: WELCOME TO INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, NAGAON :-
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Industrial Training Institute, Nagaon is a Govt. InstiI Nagaon. It is one of the premier institute of Nagaon town under the administrative control of the Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training, Ministry of Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of Assam and established in the year 1960.

   In the year 2008 the institute was upgraded & accepted as one of the “Centre of Excellence” ITI by Govt. of India introducing the IT Sector. Thus the institute became "Centre of Excellence" in "Information Technology Sector". In this process whole the COPA trade, one unit each from IT&ESM and Electrician trades were merged with IT Sector and three Modules were fulfilled among six Modules of IT(BBBT), further the old hostel building was renovated and shifted the whole IT Sector to that building.

      In the year 2009 the "Food Processing Unit" was set up in joint collaboration between "Gajraj Corps" & ITI Nagaon. Further the workshop of MMV trade was also upgraded to "MPFI Based Trade Training Workshop" in support of "Gajraj Corps".

     In the year 2010 three Advanced Modules were also added with IT Sector named 1) "Repair & Maintenance of Hardware of Computer & Peripherals", 2) "Computer Networking" and 3) "Multi Media & Web page Designing".

     On 10-09-2012 the institute launched the own website https://itinagaon.com

    On 21st November 2012 the State-of-the-Art Automobile Workshop, newly set up for Automobile Sector in support of "TATA Motors" was inaugurated by Sri Tarun Gogoi, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Assam in presence of prominent dignitaries of Assam & India. Within the ultramodern automobile workshop installation of new simulation machine for driving moved the institute to a new eminence.

    As per order released from DGE&T by letter no.-(DGE&T-19(4)/2011-CD-Pt Dated-17th January 2013) Semester System was implemented in place of all existing CTS Trades of the institute from 1st August 2013. Continue>>

On 19th Nov'2024, respected dignatories namely Mr. Parsuram Konhar, OSD cum Special Secretary, Mr. Satyananda Sethi, Sr. Lecturer(Civil), DTE & T Deptt., Mr. Kuldeep Gyaneshwar, PMU head SD & TE Deptt. from the state of Odisha, Mr. Pranjit Das, JDCT and Mr. N.H. Majumder, DDCT, DECT, Assam had visited Govt. ITI Nagaon to access the real time skill development training being conducted at ITI level and TTL Workshop. It also involves exchange of valuable suggestions & observations in the field of high end technical evolvements at ITIs.


Invited guest Artist Bhrigu Kashyap for 66th Annual Institute Sports Week 2024 on 21st March 2024.


One of the Best & Well Maintained facility I have seen so far. We can Bench Mark this for other ITIs ....


Popular Singer of Assam Mr. Bhrigu Kashyap was invited to attend a ceremony on 21stMarch 2024.

A Group of Indian Skill Development Service (ISDS) Officers visited the Govt. ITI Nagaon on 24th March 2025.

76th Republic Day Celebration on 26th January2025

Trainees appeared in the CBT Test in January 2025

Ambi Ram Malakar, Sr. Principal, ITI Nagaon.

**All regular trainees are advised to read the basics of training manual to continue their training Click here.

**All trainees and Ex Trainees of ITI Nagaon are requested to follow our Facebook page for any instant informations.












A group of trainees participated an On Job Training at Assam Co-Operative Jute Mills Ltd, Silghat, Nagaon on 17th Sep 2023
Recruitment drive on 24th December 2023
A group of trainees participated an On Job Training at Assam Co-Operative Jute Mills Ltd, Silghat, Nagaon in Sep 2023

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e-mail:- kalyanswargiary@gmail.com

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Last update on 26th March 2025

(Copyright: Sr. Principal, ITI Nagaon, Assam)
Website Design, Development & Maintenance:- Kalyan Ch. Swargiary, e-mail:- kalyanswargiary@gmail.com