Recreation |
Two days special Social work program organized by Trainees of ITI Nagaon on 17th & 18th December 2013.

Wall Magazine 2013-14 inaugurated on 26-11-2013.

Freshers meeting held on 27th September 2013 with a cultural program for full celebration.




Extra activity is a regular process of the institute which is included in class routine.
Applied for bring the institute under NCC-8BN CO to NCC COY.
Two days special Social work program organized by Trainees of ITI Nagaon on 17th & 18th November 2012.
A special cleaning work of inside and outside campus of ITI Nagaon was organized by trainees union of ITI Nagaon on 05-06-2013 and created a new Garden in front of the institute surrounding by fencing.
